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CEKINDO IS A LEADING CONSULTING COMPANY THAT PROVIDES ONE-STOP BUSINESS SERVICES TO WORLDWIDE CLIENTS WHO WISH TO OPERATE IN OR EXPAND TO INDONESIA AND FURTHER TO SOUTHEAST ASIA​.​ Having been in the industry for almost 10 years, Cekindo is the trusted counsellor, advisor and business partner to many business leaders and any-size organisations across all geographies and industries. Cekindo provides a full range of market-entry and corporate​ secretarial​ services that cover legal, administrative, financial, marketing and human resource and other business development related activities. Cekindo is backed up by a team of ​more then hundred ​well-trained and professional consultants that are passionate about ​assisting clients to drive business growth and improve performance through ​​marketing strategies, ​legal and ​administrative consultancy as well as financial consultancy and advisory, among others.

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